
about the smith

Blacksmithing has long been an art that has fascinated me for many reasons. The first and probably most obvious attraction was that of the magnificent show of sparks and fire that produces the most fabulous spectacle. The idea of using the most elemental mediums to move and shape iron and steel into something that would stand the test of time and hopefully serve as a functional piece for the owner during this endeavor. The drive to compete in a world of manufacturing and strive to produce an item that could only be crafted by hands and not machine. The belief that hard work and determination can still be appreciated and sought after.

I am an idealist when it comes to the art the smithing. Simple economics and practice tells us the consumer is better educated than ever before and has the opportunity to source their requirements from a wide variety of global outlets. But, once in a while there is a need to get back to the basics where we know there is a comfort in quality and craftsmanship. That is exactly what I hope to produce for you here,  with each and every strike of the hammer.