Seacoast Blacksmith
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about the smith

Blacksmithing has long been an art that has fascinated me for many reasons. The first and probably most obvious attraction was that of the magnificent show of sparks and fire that produces the most fabulous spectacle. The idea of using the most elemental mediums to move and shape iron and steel into something that would stand the test of time and hopefully serve as a functional piece for the owner during this endeavor. The drive to compete in a world of manufacturing and strive to produce an item that could only be crafted by hands and not machine. The belief that hard work and determination can still be appreciated and sought after.

I am an idealist when it comes to the art the smithing. Simple economics and practice tells us the consumer is better educated than ever before and has the opportunity to source their requirements from a wide variety of global outlets. But, once in a while there is a need to get back to the basics where we know there is a comfort in quality and craftsmanship. That is exactly what I hope to produce for you here,  with each and every strike of the hammer. 



Offered services


commissioned works

This represents the majority of my workload. It usually starts with a simple idea that was spawned from a thought that a customer would like to see to fruition. From this, a conversation is born and ultimately a relationship from genesis to completion and long there after. I work from sketches or ideas that I may offer for consideration. In the end, it is imperative that both myself and the customer maintain contact though every step of the smithing process to ensure the best possible piece for both parties.

All of my commissioned work, with the exception of prototypes is between the buyer and myself. The finished pieces will not be used for marketing or portfolio purposes in an effort to ensure originality and uniqueness. I do however; appreciate testimonials and word-of-mouth advertising to individuals who may benefit from the services I provide.

sentimental tool restoration

Have you ever heard the phrase: "They don't build them like they used to!?" There is plenty of validity in this statement. Tool restoration served as my catalyst into blacksmithing. It is the history and stories that a simple wrench can absorb and pay out wonders of productivity if respected. Tools are commonly shared between generations and some of my fondest memories as a child are of working on my bicycle with my Dad's wrenches, many of which I still use to this day when given the opportunity to raid his garage.

Sentimental Tool Restoration is a process that I do not take lightly. If I mess up a commission prototype, I'm out the price of the stock it cost me, if I mess up a tool that someone has entrusted to me with years of memories attached - that is a catastrophe I hope never to experience.

During this process, much like commissioned work, I require constant feedback from the customer to make sure that any alterations that may be necessary will be acceptable and within the confines of their original scope of work.


I had an old scythe that was taking up space in my shed and decided to have it worked on. It was returned with a beautiful new handle and very sharp!
— Michael T. - Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Simple and effective sharpening. I’m glad we found Seacoast Blacksmithing. Very attentive and our knives look great!
— Green Mountain Catering -Manchester, New Hampshire

sharpening services

Years ago I became encapsulated with the idea of shaving with a straight razor. I loved the traditions and the simplicity behind it, sans all the marketing and consumable products required in modern age to achieve a smooth and comfortable shave. I truly believe shaving in the morning is meditation in itself. If you rush it, you will know it. You would be amazed how delightful it is to set aside an extra fifteen minutes in the morning to treat yourself to a genuine warm lather straight razor shave before work.

My sharpening services are pretty straightforward. If you give me a dull blade, I will return to you an appropriately sharpened utensil. I will use varying grits of water stones finished with leather stropping. If you have a particular regimen for your device - let me know at first contact.

raw material sourcing

At this time I will not serve as a middle man between source and artist in order to make a "quick buck" through way of retail markup. I get a surprisingly high amount of requests for steel and in good conscience I am only able to provide the contact information for my suppliers in the Maine and New Hampshire area. Please understand my reasoning and negotiate prices through the vendor.


I absolutely love the fireplace screen that was made for me! Thank you! So many of my guests have commented on the rustic look and how it makes the room.
— Susan D. -Eliot, Maine
We became acquainted with Jim through a mutual friend and saw some of the small butcher knives that he was producing. Cute, but never thought we’d have a use for them. We ordered three for a cocktail party and they were a hit on the cheese platter! I love the accompanying cutting board!
— Alyssa & Enrique S. -Chicago, Illinois
A lovely gate for the backyard! Very elegant, thank you Jim!
— Tonya C. -Kittery, Maine


commissioned work


Starting the process

At this point I must assume that you have an idea of what you would like us to produce and by "us" - I refer to you and I. This is where my assumption ends.

Considering these first steps critical to the success of the project. I ask that you first be willing to introduce yourself and provide me with as much narrative and vision of your piece as possible. Take a moment to write down various questions and concerns you may have for your art to include basics, some of which may include:

  • Interior or Exterior display.

  • Dimensions.

  • Deadlines.

  • Weight restrictions.

  • Metal Allergies.

  • NSF or related food contact certifications.

It is my goal that with the first conversation, most of the basic questions will be answered and we may move on to the more pertinent details. During the commissioning process you may expect regular updates and emails which will include a diary of sorts of the birth of your work to include photographs, this will serve as various stages at which point you as the buyer may interject and voice additional requirements or clarification to the original idea.

There must be a mutual respect between buyer and artist in that there are no implied deadlines or "need it yesterday" type of timelines. I will start with a prototype of the work and if approved by (you) I will progress forward with the final materials and piece. It should go without saying that all works are handmade and produced domestically. Depending on the size of your project, you are welcomed to come visit the piece in person on site with prior notification.

In order to initiate a commission - please visit the “Market Square” section of this website for further information and the opportunity to reserve a slot in the process.





CONTACT and guest book


The Seacoast Blacksmith is located in the Seacoast region of New Hampshire and Maine. We are able to service all domestic orders and will ship via United States Postal Service First Class Mail or United Parcel Service - depending on the size of the item.

If you feel that any of our services may benefit you, or if you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to send us a note. I also love to hear from anyone who would like to sign the guest book!

Best Regards,
